About Me

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i am 18 yrs old and am a nursing major. I have lived in tucson for 5 yrs but am originnaly from ny... which i still consider my hometown. i love to have fun and just hang out and listen to music

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Alcohol has taken many lives whether it is from binge drinking or drinking and driving. Through these incidents many people can lose loved ones or even their own lives. This photo is brought out by Save a Life. The advertisement uses pathos by showing that this young woman Jacqueline was hit by a drunk driver, even though she was still alive, her life was taken. Her physical physique was ruined and in todays society one knows that that can ruin a life. With using a girl who has lived through such a dramatic event Save a Life uses ethos. This girl is a trusted source since she has lived the experience of a drunk driver. The audience would have to be underage drinkers and legal young drinkers. Drinkers of this age category are more likely to drink and drive since the majority don't think rationally. At that age one thinks they are invincible and can not die. In this advertisement, though it is a sad one, it shows you the outcome of drinking and driving. Whether you are the driver or the person who is the victim the author uses logos to show what can happen if you drink and drive.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Shitty First Drafts

In Anne Lamott's essay "Shitty First Drafts", she talks about how most writers including herself start off with a "child's draft". The "child's draft" is the first draft which involves one letting all of their ideas flow out of their writing utensil unto their piece of paper. My writing process would have to be exactly how Anne Lamott described her writing process was. I always start with a first "shitty" draft which involves me just rambling and pouring out thoughts and ideas. I usually don't write a second draft but just nip pick from my first draft to create my final draft. My process would have to be quick and tedious. If you put me in front of a computer I can usually start an essay and finish it from there with just going back every half hour and revising it. When I revise I tend to read aloud in order to hear if there are better words or if there are some commas that are necessary. I have an unusual love for revising. I love to read other peoples writing and see what I can do in order to help them with their writing. I also like to revise my own work; it gives me a sense of accomplishment knowing that I can correct my own mistakes. I do not know how blogging will affect my writing. I do not know whether it will help me or hurt me. I don't necessarily know what blogging is.