About Me

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i am 18 yrs old and am a nursing major. I have lived in tucson for 5 yrs but am originnaly from ny... which i still consider my hometown. i love to have fun and just hang out and listen to music

Sunday, February 24, 2008

MY def of JOY : )

What is joy?? Joy is when you feel like nothing can go wrong. There are no problems or worries in the world. Being surrounded by all the people that love you. Being able to be yourself. Joy is ....happiness... joy is .... freedom. It sounds cliche, but I am the most joyful when I am surrounded by my friends and just having a good time. Even seeing a smile on a strangers face spreads another smile on someone elses face. I think the best way to express joy is from my pictures and how people bring joy to my life.

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