About Me

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i am 18 yrs old and am a nursing major. I have lived in tucson for 5 yrs but am originnaly from ny... which i still consider my hometown. i love to have fun and just hang out and listen to music

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I'm All American

All American... All American is what reaks from this photo. If you wear Tommy perfume you will be happy with good looking friends, have a cute girl, and basically be all American. Plus it even has our flag in the background. If we support this perfume, then we support the United States : )Our society captures the twenty first century by luring us in with all these false promise. I want to buy this perfume because I want to have a hot hot boyfriend. It is funny how ads are made in order to lure our generation. I wonder... what kind of ads lured in the older generations, and what ads will lure the future generation??


Fur... it is worn by the richest folk in our world today. Though fur coats and fur purses are tacky they are still worn amongst our generation. How would humans like it if animals wore their "fur"... they wouldn't. Why do we harm innocent little animals for our own benefit?It is cruel and still tacky looking. People that wear fur are insecure people who need everyone in the world to know that they have money. They need everyone to know that they are filthy rich and can spend a few millions wherever they please.


In this ad there is no doubt that sex sells. With this ad if you drink the drink... women will bend over censorship will be less and you will see more of a woman while she is taking a shower. Nonetheless, this is pretty funny. Drinking this drink will not allow any of those things to happen. However, our society is so dumb that we will probably believe all this. We will probably believe that we can delete censorship. That every woman will do anything you want if you just drink this drink.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

crash boom bang

In the movie Crash and the story "The Arab Image", there are many similarities and differences. In the movie Crash, it takes place in Los Angeles where racial and social tensions are a huge deal dealing with crimes. In Crash there are a multiple array of people from different environments that end up all being connected in an ironic way. In "The Arab Image", the author talks about how arabs are portrayed wrongfully in the world today. However, though both movies talk about racial tensions, Crash deals with a variety of racials whereas the story just relates to Arabs being treating badly.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Graham n Diandra's def of JOY!!

"What is Joy? What is it that make us feel Joy? I think that Joy is the ability to be happy and have fun. To be able to find happiness in everything and exploit it for everyone and everything. Your personal happiness in an excited state."-Graham

"What is joy?? Joy is when you feel like nothing can go wrong. There are no problems or worries in the world. Being surrounded by all the people that love you. Being able to be yourself. Joy is ....happiness... joy is .... freedom. It sounds cliche, but I am the most joyful when I am surrounded by my friends and just having a good time. Even seeing a smile on a strangers face spreads another smile on someone elses face. I think the best way to express joy is from my pictures and how people bring joy to my life."- Myself

Graham+Myself= Joy is having fun and just being happy. Personal happiness through friendships and experiences.

MY def of JOY : )

What is joy?? Joy is when you feel like nothing can go wrong. There are no problems or worries in the world. Being surrounded by all the people that love you. Being able to be yourself. Joy is ....happiness... joy is .... freedom. It sounds cliche, but I am the most joyful when I am surrounded by my friends and just having a good time. Even seeing a smile on a strangers face spreads another smile on someone elses face. I think the best way to express joy is from my pictures and how people bring joy to my life.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Allegory of the Cave

In “Allegory of the Cave” by Plato, prisoners have been chained since birth within a cave. Their bodies including their heads are immobilized by chains in order for them to have their direction of viewing fixed upon the wall in front of them. The guards of the cave show them puppets of animals and plants on which they cast shadows upon the wall for their viewing. The prisoners learn the sound of animals though the sounds that the guards create. With them being captive there for so long, they do not know that they are prisoners, they do not know how a certain animal feels or sounds like, and all in all they do not know what a flower smells like. With the shadows and sounds of the guards, the prisoners rely on that to be their only reality.
“The Allegory of the Cave” can be related to our society today by the movie The Matrix. In the movie, it takes place in the future year 2199, where the reality that we know is actually seen as the Matrix. The world was created by machines in order to create an illusion for humans in order to use their bodies’ heat and activity as an energy source. Just like “Allegory of the Cave”, the “prisoners” know nothing of what is really out there. All they know is what a higher being wants them to believe in just like the humans in the Matrix.